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I hope this is OK to ask since it doesn't seem directly related to CP. When I'm stuck in bed I like to distract myself with fiction. I haven't been able to find anything to really sink my teeth into lately and I'm hoping you guys can help. Thanks!
I love bookbub.com of you have a Kindie. I love good mysteries. Lots of free books or .99 and up.
I love Ellen Hopkins, I've read several of her novels. I'm currently reading Triangles, deffinatly helps distract me from my pain, and helps me relax before bed. Although ive stayed up a few hrs later then I should, her story's always draw me in.
If you are reading on a tablet try going to the free book section on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. If you are on face book look at the ads for different book groups. They often offer free books, usually the first in a series, for free. I have found tons of new authors that way.
If you have a computer or mobile phone Wattpad is an app that has stories written by everyday people. I really enjoy them.
how about Sandra Brown's books. Or Nora Roberts. If u need more authors let me know, I've been reading since 1983. Thats when I got sick the first time. U might try Victoria holt if u like Victorian Mystery romance. Shes dead now :-( but she has many many books out there.
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