Cortisone Shots For Hip Pain???
Has anyone had cortisone shots for hip pain? I just started seeing a new pain Dr. He did x-rays of my hips but they look good. I have extreme pain in my lower back, right hip & knee. I have Osteoarthritis in my knees & was on Opioids for a few months
I changed Dr's & I am curious if anyone else has had these shots and if they work. I have Lupus, CKD, Glaucoma, Osteoarthritis, hypertension, PTSD, Anexity, depression, Agoraphobia, PAD, so I can not use any antiinflammatory drugs or anything… read more
Hi, I just had more xrays done today of my hips in an orthopedics office. I have been seen by pain management for 2 years now. I have been told twice now that hip pain is felt more in the groin area. If you are feeling it in you upper buttocks it is more likely Bursitis especially if your hips are ok. The injection is usually given to the bursea. I have had two of these and they only lasted 3 weeks. My hips are both bone on bone but it is only the right that has excruciating pain. It is this same side that I also have been treated for sacroiliac pain. Since both sacroiliac and hip/bursea pain can present in the same areas I would request an MRI so you know for sure what you are dealing with. Best of luck to you.
Hi It's Marylyn, l have had several cortisone injection in my lower back for years, they work for a short time & Oh what a relief, however as the Dr explained to me " it's like putting water in a bucket full of holes" Will have another shot if only temporary when l go on holidays, anything just to be out of pain & feel enjoyment.
Hi, I have had cortisone injections for the hips. At the same time I was put on narolex for general pain due to rheumatism and fybromyalgia. I noticed a massive difference. I can now move again without being in pain. Narolex is very new on the market. Hope that this is useful.
Hi ive had these as injections in my lumbar facet joints and they gave a relief of some pain for up to six months, maximum. At the hospital I was treated at I had to be awake for them, which was traumatic in itself, and I believe because of this, the injections aren't able to penetrate as efficiently due to the fact no matter how hard you try, knowing a massive needle is being pushed into an area that hurts so bad already, you're going to tense up.
I now have rf nerve ablation (denervation) in my facet joints and sacro iliac joints (bilateral for both) these last as long as it takes for the nerves feeding pain signals to grow back. It gives me up to two years relief. My new pain surgeon does them under anaesthetic so more effective.
Have you tried a Tens Unit - it goes on the painful area, and vibrates, getting down to the tissue and muscle.
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