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Does Anyone Else Suffer This Alongside The Chronic Pain.

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Middlesbrough, UK

I'm left exhausted and spend most of my days in bed due to sleep apnea. The nights are bad enough waking in agony an having to use morphine sulphate just so can get an hour at most sleep. I'm constantly falling asleep next day it's got that bad I daren't leave the house now incase falling asleep. I've jyst had another test done to find out wihich type if apnea I have an it was a disaster. I spent most night suffering nightmares and an going to loo so I be lucky if it's recorded anything. Thanks… read more

June 16, 2016
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I have severe sleep apnea which was tested for and diagnosed when I kept falling asleep while driving too. Fortunately I was not involved in an accident but annoyed many drivers when I repeated fell asleep when waiting for red traffic lights And did not move when they changed to green. I too hated the CPAP machine when I first got it. But I have persevered and now use it more nights than not. I am sleeping much better and have more energy during the day. Also my brain is not so foggy as it was. Do continue your testing and get help if you have sleep problems it is worth it to wake feeling even a little refreshed.

June 21, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

C-pap or A-pap for sure are the first steps, asking about having your tonsils removed could be another step if they feel it is necessary.

July 30, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Hello Wendy, my husband has sleep apnea but no pain involved, just extreme fatigue the next day. Now he uses a C-pap machine and it makes all the difference in the world. Have you been offered this from your doctor? The problem I have because of it is sometimes if it's not a secure fit around his nose he makes a racket with his snoring. One of us ends up moving into the guest room for the night. So he doesn't have a pain issue, but a severe snoring one. Apnea still the same. I'm curious if you've tried this.
Best always, Annie

July 1, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Thanks guys for the replies made me realise I'm not the only one who goes through all this.

Kind regards


June 22, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Wow somebody was watching over you my friend. That's also when I'm at my worst behind the wheel. I always leave windows open but I just go in matter of seconds so now I don't drive. I hope once I get results of my sleep test I can start going back to normal. I'm so pleased your here to share your story Thankyou for that xxx

June 18, 2016

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Does Anyone Else Have Arachnoiditis?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Boston, MA

Massachusetts ?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Boston, MA


A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Boston, MA
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