Has Anyone Experience Of Or Tried Hypnotherapy? ( Self Hypnosis Or By An Hypnotherapist) I've Heard It It Can Help But I'm Wary.
I have had depression & anxiety to add to the chronic pain. Tried various anti-depressants to no avail. Started NLP with my doctor a few weeks back & am amazed at results to far. I had no idea what hypnotherapy would involve but can report that it's now my guilty pleasure. I love it. My doctor is achieving quite amazing results in overcoming my depression symptoms & has also introduced me to deep relaxation which is quite the most therapeutic treatment I've ever had. I highly recommend NLP. I would also recommend listening to Paul McKenna's Deep Relaxation cd on headphones - 30 minutes of heaven whenever you feel like it. Hypnotherapy for me equals results!
Hi Jenn, I wish I had an NLP knowledge pal! My GP is showing me the way & I'm reading loads & watching clips. I find I go away from my doctor & my brain goes into overdrive, so much to think about. Fascinates me & I am now totally convinced that I can do anything with my mind if I can only find the key. Sometimes it's visualising, sometimes it's changing metaphors, sometimes it's hypnosis. I'm gobsmacked really, to realise that we can alter so much by thought alone. My doctor got me to read Clarity by Jamie Smart. I love learning that our feelings can only come from our thoughts. And that we can learn to be so much kinder to ourselves & our pain.
Hi Jane, my son is a Master NLP practitioner and is currently studying for his teachers qualification. He helps me so much with my pain by explaining to me the filters we use in our brains and cause and effect etc. I will not personally study it as I am studying Naturopathy, but I listen to my son regularly and he helps me so much with his NLP knowledge.
I do not believe that you need to sit in a "therapist" office and let them attempt to hypnotize you, when you can just as easily do it on your own in a quiet room by finding your best position and counting back from 100 and just visualizing the numbers as you do ! As JaneRyan said you will seek out other outlets it took me many years to find my way to let the pain go by self hypnosis, and I suppose it will not hurt to try hypnotherapy once in an effort to find out how to do it alone.
Yes NLP is great. I teach it in my Surviving Chronic Pain course. Keep going with this it is amazing. Jenn
Do You Fight Or Accept The Pain
Do You Dwell And What Is Good About It And What Bad
Anybody Hear Of Or Tried Wild Lettuce Leaf For Pain?