Said We Could Handle It.
Pray 4 strength 2 speak through airless lungs, with yearning for the k nowledge to beat these horrible diseases that make us hurt.bruise bleed and think positive k
they offer us drugs on to p of drugs. Off with you now and go try to figure out what became of the reasons I was brought to you in this shape we are in . Take the drugs and research just enough to understand how the body works so we come here now
can we know it's all in the head. Or attached to the brain that allows us to feel… read more
Deb, I am embarrassed that no one replied!
I just added you to my team, I hope you are still active on here! We have a fantastic group of people that encourage each other through prayer and… read more
Has Anyone Attended The Bath Uk Pain Management Centre
All the professionals including my pain doctor seem to be of the option that this centre will be able to rehabilitate me so I have no more pain and I am off all the medication. This I am not so convinced about as I been bedridden for 2 years and having had to work with my pain that just made me worse in fact I in agony if I push to be out all day, so I am not sure why or how the pain would just disappear.
Thanks All
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member I been told I have Widespread Chronic Pain Syndrome but all my symptoms seem to point to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome I just wish the doctors would agree. I now been told… read more
I have tried to commit suicide 2 times since I have been on Gabapentin!
Gralise are you feeling better? Are you sure it’s Gabapentin that’s causing suicide thoughts? I hope you’ve gotten some help and are in a better place.
What Does An Ambassador Do?
At least one person on my team has a banner across her picture that says "ambassador".
We welcome people to the team and help them with questions they may have about the site and finding the ways around it. Much love 💜
Does Anyone Else Get Frustrated With The Medical Community And The “waiting Lists” For Physio, Surgery, Pain Clinic, Etc.
Even here in Canada it seems to take a ling time to just get in to see physio therapy.
Yes Karen1234 living on disability you find creative ways to do your own physio therapy!!! There is $3.00 days at the pool; I belly dance and do muscle isolation exercises, lots of walking now the… read more
I Have Severe Nerve Damage In My Back And Legs
Because of a bad car accident have permanent nerve damage in my back and legs it creates severe pain some days like someone stabbing a knife in them hard to walk and mulsle spasms does anyone have any suggestions to help ease any of the effects home remedy etc. Any suggestions would be great thankyou
Problem With Teeth Due To Medication!
I’m having a lot of problems with my teeth for the past few months. My jaw bone holding my teeth is actually eroding and all of my teeth are loose, some worse than others. I’m wondering if it could be from one of my heath conditions or the meds I take. Anyone else having any type of issues like this?
Dentists here recommend peroxide and baking soda for gum disease. You don't swallow it. Just swish around for a minute.
What Is The Golden Rule?
Thank you sounds good.
2004 Gamma Knife UCD Left Me With Atypical TGN, A 24/7 Dull Pain: 2 Weeks Ago I Had 1st 2 5 Sec's Lightning Strikes Front Of R Ear. More?
69 years, 3/ 20 Oxy's, 3 x 2-600 gababpentins, 3 10-325 hydro's prn, expect more conventional strikes with old age?
Brain zaps! Are you on an antidepressant.? Effexor is known for those brain zaps. Many others are as Well. Mine for ro a point wher e ou literally shook mmy whole brain.
What Do I Do With All This Pain Now?
Was on this Drug for almost 10 years!
I felt the best when I was taking Oxy 30 mg 4 Times a day with Soma for Breakthrough! Felt pretty good and out and about
But yet get off this drug and so on and so on!!
I hope you with me so far ?
I get off all narcotic Meds after a Decade in a 3 Day stay in Hospital Detox!!!!
No problem now what The Fuck do I do with all this PAIN!!!!!
Have you been referred to the Pain Management team? I was referred after my car accident and they've been pretty good with advice, meds reviews and steroid injections. Ive had CBT which was helpful… read more