This Is Regarding Hip Replacement, I Have Been Seeing Many Advertisements On Stem Cell Surgery, I Diagnosed With Arthritis.
I was wondering if anyone has had this procedure? I am unable to have hip replacement due to medical conditions. My pain started like my hip was going out of place like a cramped muscle, really no pain to the bone at all. I thought it was a nerve problem, it would come and go. Then I noticed when my bladder got filled I was having pain in the groin, but after relieving myself it went away. Now I am having pain like ache from my hip area down to the knee. However I can relieve all pain by sitting… read more
You are not alone. I have that. I also have Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome though, along with a slew of many more painful conditions. I have yet to find anything to help and I have very good pain… read more
How Do You Exercise And Stay In Shape With Chronic Illness?
I really want and need to get in shape but I am so scared I will just end up hurting worse than I started or vomiting all over the gym. I’m just tired of my only exercise being a walk to the mailbox. Even then I’m tired but I want more. Does regular exercise help with pain management, even if it makes you tired?
Why Would Someone Experience Cramps Every Time They Poop?
I’ve searched the internet for this to no avail. It’s not related to menstrual cramps or a UTI. It’s also not diarrhea. Every time I have to have a bowel movement get terrible cramps that feel like the most severe menstrual cramps, even when not on period or ovulating. It’s daily and happens without fail within at least 10 minutes of waking, if the pain hasn’t already woke me up. I try to go to the bathroom and the cramps don’t always lead to a BM either. I always do eventually (some other… read more
Well, you need to see a gastroenterologist, and have it checked out. We can offer you a multitude of ideas, but nothing like a gastroenterologist. It could be a myriad of things. But from your… read more
Radiofrequency Ablation
How often can one get this procedure done?
I am scheduled for this procedure at the Allevio Pain Management Clinic in Toronto. Medications, alternative therapies, and cervical spine surgery have been ineffective in pain management. Healthcare… read more
Thoughts On Saunas And Hot Tubs For Inflammation And Pain Relief
I’m looking at sauna and hot tub time to lessen inflammation and pain as well as releasing toxins. Has anyone had success with this option??
Gentle Hugs 🤗
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member
I use epson salt baths regularly and i couldn't agree more.
Is There A Surgical Process Of Any Kind To Remove Arthritis Spurs In Joints?
Arthritic Spurs in joint, like wrist, feet, fingers, back, neck , hip???
I had bi-lateral hammer toe repair it will be two years in March. That's all part of removing an artheratic joint from the toes.. So basically she removed the joint pinned the bones together until… read more
Question About The Psychiatric Evaluation For The Spinal Cord Stimulator
I'm having mine on Wednesday. Was wondering if anyone could tell me what to expect. And, is there anything I need to do on my end?
Thank you.
Thanks for the input everyone!
Does Anyone Else Have A Doc That Uses Physical Therapy As Part Of The Treatment Program To Combat Pain?
Thanks all for sharing. I know now to get ready to go anywhere takes an hour, for what used to take 5 minutes. I can't drive now too, so have to rely on my wife or learn to Uber. But it always feels… read more
Do We Have Any Legal Rights To Have Pain Medication?
I have been doing back injections for 8 months
I always had pain medication while doing this. I feel off a scaffold that was pretty high in the air and it messed up my knee , shoulder, and my back again
I've had 3 back surgery be 4.i talk with dr who was doing injections and told him they were not working. I ask him about pain management. He agreed. So I go next week
I never been able to get pain medication b4 b/c I thank the drs take my major anxiety with shaking hands fast talkin as… read more
I'm in CA. Oils should be legal everywhere. I'm not sure we are getting punished w/meds. Do whatever helps you. It is your body after all! Good luck🦋
Does Any One Have Any Advice About Explaining Your Pain And Use Of Mobility Aids To Others At Work?
I don't always want to tell people but i have some people at work who are insistant and if i saybthe bare minimum about the subject when they ask they seem to ignore what I'm saying and think ill be better in a few days and then the cycle starts all over again..
It's frustrating talking to people who have never had chronic pain they always suggest a supplement or something like that that's not going to do a thing