Do Any Of You Have A Burstdr Stimulation For Chronic Pain? Would Like To Know How It Helps You. I Am Getting One.
Really Donald!! Oh well, I have one too!! That's out!!
Has Anyone Used Or Have Comments Regarding This MuAntagonistOpioid???
Stanford University GI Pelvic Doctor wants me to start Relistor a MU ANTAGONIST OPIOID and continue taking the high doses of Narcotic Opioids I now take. She said that it will stop my Opioids from working on my physical body pain (location) but will not interfere with the Opioids working in my brain and the pain receptors still making my Narcotic Opioids effective in fighting the severe pain I endure every time I lay down over 1 - 1 1/2 hours. I do not believe this bit have not researched it… read more
Thanks s much for your advice, even dosing !! Right Arm!! I appreciate your input so much.
Pregabalin Sciecure 75mg Hard Capsules
I have osteoarthritis. Yesterday my GP prescribed 2 x 75mg pregabalin for pain relief. I have only taken
Has anyone been prescribed pregabalin for pain relief.
Yes, I take pregablin
Ok. Who Is Or Has Been On Mobic Ot Meloxicam 15 Mg And Has Helped With Inflammation And Or Pain?
Has Anyone Used Penetrex Nerve Cream? Results?
I agree it has already started calming down my knees and I just got it on the 5th.
Has Anyone Tried Ketamine Infusions? Does It Work? How Many Do You Need Before Noticing A Difference?
I had 2 infusions as well hun the first helped for a few years then had to have the second it has never been ok. The pain in my back and hips are terrible the last was 2015 they gonna do mri next… read more
Has Anyone That Takes Opioid Medication Have Surgery Or Sedation For A Procedure That Didnt Work? What Did They Do?
For those that are opioid tolerant like taking opioid Rx’s everyday, what do they give you for pain or sedation or surgery and how much do you get? Im having shoulder surgery for dislocation and take oxycodone daily. Ive been on various pain medications(fentanyl,Oxycontin,Narco,etc) for approx 7 yrs and have high tolerance.
What the hell. Thats very unprofessional and disgusting.
I Was Hit By Another Car And Seriously Injured,to Where I Needed Metal Plates In My Hip,arm/elbow. How Does One Deal With The Chronic Pain?
i take the meds that my dr prescribe and do alot of praying not just for me but for everyone. seems like praying for others helps me alot.some times it is real hard to be positive but you do your best… read more
Pain Management
I’ve lived with pain for a while now but after an allergic reaction to codeine and opioids now on an increasing dose of Gabapentin. Currently sitting at 300. 200 and 300 and seeing my doctor in a week to increase further.
My question is what do you guys do for break through pain if the regular pain killers and NSAIDs are unsuitable. Many thanks in anticipation of your wisdom 🦉
I am on 800mg 3xday. It was 4xday but my primary believes the higher dose is a contributing factor in my feet turning blue. Ya don't know what to believe these days. My pain medication Nuycenta was… read more
Looking for information on Hysingla. I’m currently taking 5 10/325 hydrocodone, oxcarbanezine, diazepam, and my pain doctor added Hysingla 20 mg. I’m concerned about drug interaction and side affects. I checked interactions and some are life threatening. Please tell about your experience with Hysingla. Thank y’all.
I am dosing off the diazepam. No one ever told me it wasn’t for long term use and I need pain control the most.