How To Share Messaging App Info With Other Forum Users For Live Chat And Voice Chat?
For me, instant messaging and phone conversations with other chronic pain people helps me the most. I am new here and unsure if I can even post my WhatsApp or my mobile number. Going through my chronic pain alone is the worst. If anyone wants to befriend a 50 year old man and you personally deal with chronic pain, then by all means, reach out to me.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member
I hope you like it here. We do not judge and you will probably find others dealing with the same issues that you deal with. Jean
Looking For A Pain Specialist MD, Accepting New Patients In The Buffalo, NY Area.
One that believes in medication. Please email me at (Email address can only be seen by MyChronicPainTeam users), thanks.
Lumbar Spine Disc Replacement
I would like to discuss lumbar disc replacement qith anyone who has had this done in the last 5 years. They are processing me through the necessary steps to replace L5-S1 probly come the first of the year. Thank you for your feedback.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member
I think that my estrogen is messed up, I seem to cry at a drop of a hat lately! I just pictured myself in your shoes, as I, too had a bloody discharge when I was younger… read more
I'm Not Depressed, Im Angry 😤 Frustrated
I have learned that time management is pain management
Spinal Cord Stimulator
Has anyone here had any experience with a spinal cord stimulator? I need any feed back please.
Thank you
Divediva (sandy)
Same here and now after 3 years, I want it out.🤨
Does Anyone Ever Fear Being “locked In?” My Body Feels Wretched While My Mind Is Ready To Go Jogging. Am I Alone In This?
The analogy of your body feeling like a prison is so true! In my head, I can still do the things I used to do before diagnosed. I still have so many goals. Unfortunately, my body has other plans and I… read more
Has Anyone Had Luck Alleviating Back Pain By Switching Beds?
Many animals are ESA, emotional support animals. They don't do an actual "service" and don't require any training. But their presence is very helpful for multiple reasons. I manage apartments &… read more
I Have A Question, I Have Flashes & In My Spine It Feels Like My Spine Is Going To Ignite
This causes pain up and down my spinal column.
You pretty much described it
Who Is The Correct Medical Professional To See Regarding Possible CFS / FM?
I have suffered with fatigue and widespread pain for more years than I care to remember. It seems as though whenever I mention this to anyone that I see medically, its as if they blow it off. I can't seem to get anyone to actually listen to me. Very frustrating. There are days when I literally have trouble putting one foot in front of the other to get what I need to get done.
Sometimes I feel like Dorothy Zbornak in "The Golden Girls" episode where she has finally been diagnosed with… read more
Does Anyone Have Retroperitoneal Fibrosis? Or Even Heard Of It? 1.4 Cases Per 100,000
I joined an RF support group and had to quit because of how they promoted Western Medicine. The only treatment they know is steroid infusions. I found an alternative therapy and have been making slow progress. I have shrunk my aortic aneurysm from 5.3cc to 3.2cc. with an enzyme therapy and an anti-inflammatory diet.
The RF site is great for research on the subject their archives are beyond compare.
Your friend in pain,
Well I ran out of Tramadol and I don't feel nearly as good as
It's no joke didn't even go on morning dog walk! Poor dog...