Doctors Expect An Autimmune Or Connective Tissue Disorder, What Do I Do?
Have positive ANA, high MCH and high monocytes. All of which signify an autimmune disease and/or connective tissue disorder. Im scare out of my mind. I have pain in my fingers, ribs, neck, ankles, heels, and wrists. Weakness mainly in my legs after the stairs or walking around. I have stomach issues and really bad period cramps. Im scared, if it is a connective tissue thing or autoimmune thing itll get worse. Anyone else have similar symptoms? Any tips? Im 16 and scared out of my mind
Ask about monthly injections of an imunosuppressant. They help me a bit. You may need to try several to get relief
About "night Terrors"
Does anyone experience what i call night terrors? Like nightmare but not really. Dreams where I feel like I'm trapped. Can't escape. But like I know I'm dreaming. must be meds. On so many I would not know which onr. Or is it just the pain. Lack of sleep . Exhaustion. Sorry about misspellings. Hard to type today .
good on you i can only pray for you that it is a thing of the past for you as it is horrific. And with mine i cant tell where my hands are at i think i am touching one thing and it is something… read more
Do You Know Of Anyone That Has Had To Resort To Street Meds For Pain Relief?
I am hearing that more and more as well as an increase in the suicide rate due to our drs refusing to stand up for the rights of legitimate patients.....they are on a wich hunt
I used to know people back when i was still workig that would buy meds off the street or someone would have them at work.i think that people will continue to do that.they will do any thing.
What Is The Residual Collateral Damage Around You Stemming From Your Chronic Pain?
Collateral damage pertains to other individuals or Consequences that occur because of your Chronic pain. Such as I cannot be the grandmother, mother that I want to because I am not medicated in the manner I need to be used to be functional and have quality of life!I am in bed 98% of the time vs. Being able to be out every day when I was properly medicated.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member unfortunately finances are a huge issue for me right now:'(
Is this real expensive?
Btw lady you are the bomb!
Eye Pain
Is there any medication that you can take two we leave Apple I pain yesterday I had a pain on the top of my left die we believe it was due to the allergies but it was so sore that after a while it hurts to blink to why wound up in the emergency room they did not do much they just looked at the eye to make sure it was OK but it’s still in a lot of pain it is not hurting a blank but they did not give me any any information on what I could do for the pain can someone please help
I know I am have never had nose bleeds but had 3 in last 2 months.Scared me. but the days it happened I had used a fan in bedroom to cut down on extra heat.
Do Pain Pumps Make You Tired Like Pain Meds?
I am wondering if I trade from a spinal cord stimulator to a pain pump does it make an individual tired and lethargic like pain meds that are taken orally? I want to switch and have the nerve killed off. I do not care if the Sciatic nerve is cut. The damage is great and I have more pain from scar tissue than I do metal that is put in my back.
I have one and I don't get tired nor get constipated. I have for almost 11 months
Escaping Chronic Pain - The Odds?
I was sitting here in a cold Birmingham UK, having just taken my 6 hourly meds., and wondered what the odds are of people escaping the Chronic Pain cycle after having been 'in it' for more than 12 years, or at any point in the cycle for that matter?
I guess I'm fortunate. The various doc's, specialists and consultants I've seen were unable to agree what the cause/s is/are, but I have at least got meds., that relieve the pain that afflicts me by about 25% (some of the time), even though the… read more
Yes what is that please, Kim? I'm in UK too. Sheffield. Having a very painful flare up.
Has Anyone Made Any New Years Resolutions For 2018?
My resolution is to lose weight using a system I purchased which is packed full of natural ingredients and full of vitamins and minerals I wasn’t getting before
Hey @MikeClemson congratulations on making that all important decision to take care of yourself. I can sympathize on both fronts. I had gotten so big. I was 325 lbs at 6'6" tall. I felt like the… read more
How Many People Would Like Treatments To Be Reorganized By Treatment Type (i.e., Various Drug Classes, Interventiona Pain Management, Etc.?)
Has Anyone Had Arthroscopic Hip Surgery?
I was told I needed this surgery but only 50% chance it would help with a 4 month recovery. Thanks for your feedback.
I had arthroscopic surgery on both hips (left, 2012 and right, 2016). It took me a very long time to recover from the first one because I wasn't yet treating the underlying inflammation from… read more