Why Are Drugs Mostly Always The Answer?
I have lower back pain for years. Now I have Sciatica along with everything else. I have gone to Neurologists, Ortho guys, my Primary, a Chiro and a few others, and mostly the only thing offered to me is Drugs. I can have "anything I want" from Asprin to Percoset. I dont want any of it. I want to find a treatment or cure that I can actually live with. PT doesnt work for me bevause it only brings on more pain. I'm 71, I'd like to enjoy the years I have left.
Yes Yvonnelewis. Does tiger balm help your joints.thanks Lorraine xx 😃
Hello Dear Fellow Members
Just checking with you all. I have had headaches since November of 2022. Now they're slight but still annoying cause it's chronic. I have a bad disc in my neck back. For about 30 years. My neck was in excruciating pain. I had to use my hand to lift my neck. I was doing tasks of stocking shelves in a store and I feel that started the severe pain. Plus I have fibromyalgia for 30 years. And alot of big stress in my life. I went to hospitals and my own doctor. Says it's from tension n fibro and the… read more
Have you tried different pillows or mattress on your bed....they can make a hell of a difference to your neck/spine position in bed. Definitely worth a try.
Has Anyone Here Tried Edible THC Gummies? If So What Was Your Experience?
I was very hesitant to try gummies because in my youth the few times I smoked a joint it would increase my pain but last weekend a friend of mine who also suffers from chronic pain insisted I try some and gave me a bag. I couldn't believe the change, taking 2 per day q 12 hours and my pain leveled out at 3/10 for the first time in years.
the reminder of the strength in the gummies you are Taking, Dosages
300mg 900mg 1800mg 3600mg eg each Gummie, 30 mg. Gummies for Pain 900mg / 30 gummies! Why I do Use the CBD… read more
Has Anyone Ever Had A Balance Assessment? If So What Did It Involve And Was It Useful?
My ankle and both my knees are a mess and I occasionally fall, plus I can't pick things up off the floor. Stairs are especially hard for me. Basically, I am terrified of falling. I use a walking stick or a knee scooter, but there are times I have to walk "solo" and that is when the fear kicks in. Any information you can give me is greatly appreciated.. Thank you!🤐😥😝
Good luck with your chair. Pleased you are not suffering too much pain. Merry Xmas. Diana
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
Yes, I have in 2015
Epidurals For Pain Management
I just had my first epidural on the 03rd. My SCS isn't cutting it fully and my surgeon does not see anything surgical @ this time. My questions are how well did they work for you & how long did last? I know it's subjective. But I feel like it really didn't do too much. It seemed helpful, but not worth all the aggravation or length of effectiveness. Thank you.
Sorry to hear that
Getting Pain Meds Back
How do I get my pain management doctor to give me back my pain meds. I was taken off of them after an accidental overdose last September. I had been at pain management for about 5 years with no problems. The overdose is kind of a long story but it was an accident. I wasn’t abusing my pain meds it was a one time thing while I hadn’t had sleep for a few days and wasn’t even thinking clearly. Im still there and doing everything they suggest it’s just not helping. Any advice. And Please no answers… read more
I agree with Brylee. I think it is the only way for you to prove to your pain Drs that you are over the accident and truly need pain meds to function semi normal. Good luck!
Has Anyone Had A Spinal Cord Stimulator That Was Removed That Had Been In Place More Than 15 Years?
I am scheduled for a spinal cord stimulator removal that has been in place 19 years. They are doing a 2 level laminectomy at the same time and I’m concerned that the scs removal will keep me under anesthesia longer than the benefits of removing it. I am concerned that the scar tissue has it cemented in the position it is in, and it will not slide out nicely.
Sounds horrible
Stopping Narcotics
I am currently taking Narcotics. I am interested to hear from people who have taken/are taking Narcotics for years and have successfully/or have been unsuccessful in weaning off of their Narcotics.
Do you have a pain Doctor?
Are you using Mindfulness/Cognitive Therapy to help deal with your chronic pain?
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member, call the clinic and explain the situation. Say you aren't feeling well enough to drive. (Do you have someone who can take you?) Is there a lab near you?
You absolutely… read more
If Simple Exercise Increases The Nerve Pain In My Legs, Hips, Back And Feet, Should I Not Do It And Lose Out On The Benefits Of Exercise?
I have nerve pain in my legs, hips, thighs, back, feet, and hands. It's not clear what the root cause is. My question is: If simple exercise like a 15-20 minute easy walk increases the nerve pain in my legs, hips, back & feet, should I not do it and lose out on the benefits of exercise?
Any thoughts, wisdom is appreciated.
I'm 75 so you all are girls until I find out otherwise. Hugs.