When You See A New Doctor About Your Pain, How Much Detail Do You Go Into About Your Pain?
I have seen many doctors in the past couple of years trying to find the source of my pain. I had neck fusion surgery in September 2014. Instead of getting better, things kept going downhill. I started getting daily migraines and pain that grew from my neck and shoulders to my arms, legs and now my trunk and hips. I have fibromyalgia and diffuse myofascial syndrome according to this last doctor. But I feel that there is unfinished business in my neck. No doctors will do another MRI on my neck… read more
I have what they think is primary progressive MS but fibromiaga fits also I have 3 years of scans tests the lot I have brain leaisions all over but they are small according to one nureo it's normal… read more
Low Back Spinal Stimulators?
My doctor feels I'm a good candidate for a spinal stimulator I've had numerous injections, meds... And pain levels still too much. I have chronic low back problems. Can someone who has one tell me how they do with theirs, what's surgery like, and how long recovery for final implant? I think I would feel better hearing about others experiences first. I greatly appreciate any advice
I had mines put in over 10 yrs now . It helps but then again it messes with my sciatica nerve after awhile . I don’t use it as much as I use to in the beginning. I hope you find comfort in it
Does Kratom Help?
I've ordered Kratom in hopes it will help with this roller coaster of pain I'm in. I can't remember the last time I was pain free. I'm sure those times are behind me, I just wanted to ask people who do use Kratom the kind of results they get. I ordered it in capsules. How many should I take to feel relief? Do I still take my pain med while taking Kratom? What strain have you found to benifit you the most? Thank you in advance for the help and guidance💜
Kratom worked miracles for me!! I don't take anymore pain meds. Little expensive but well worth it. Get the Bali Kratom. Hopefully this will help you.😊😊
Not Really A Question, But Worth A Read, It's Fairly Long So Settle Down With A Cuppa
Discusses various studies into chronic pain and what causes it.
Explores the premise thinking about pain creates pain,
Suggests chronic pain inhibits motivation with a chemical imbalance
Hope for a solution that actually works! ! ! !
Prayers for him
This Is A Request More Than A Question. Please Use Generic Names Which Are Used Internationally As Well As Trade Names (nation-specific).
gabapentin : U.S. uses and UK;
For Those That Have Used Marijuana, Would You Please Share Your Experience.
Primary doctor suggested that I try marijuana instead of more opiates. I need to ask my pain doctor first a I signed a paper saying that I would only get pain meds from him. I have an appointment on January 5th and I want to go with some information about the success of using marijuana. I also need to know what to ask for. I'm really not interested in smoking it as I've never smoked before. Rx Marijuana is legal here in Arizona so that is not an issue.
My daughter was in a bad car accident and also has fibromyalgia and she smokes a vape pen with thc. She says it makes it so she can get through a day ... Sort of. She is still unable to work
I'm Diagnosed With Lumbar Degenerative Disease And I Have Frequent Flare Ups. What Can I Do?
I am 25 and diagnosed with Lumbar degenerative disease. I have 2 Protruded discs in the lumbar spine, arthritis and the spongy bits between the discs are shortened. I have had frequent flare ups since I was 22. Over time, I have noticed that my flare ups aren't as severe nor last as lon, however they still effect me, physically and emotionally
I believe the cause of my problems come from when I fell off a galloping horse. I remember the fall was so hard I thought I had broken my hip. However I… read more
Hi Kate,
I agree I am a therapist and a massage Therapist as well I do body work/massage which is so beneficial for anyone who has pain or discomfort.
I Hate That I Get So Mad And Angry When I See Other People Doing Things I Can No Longer Do. Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?
Thank #Bethbea! That's how I feel!
How Do You Deal With The Boredom?
I'm so bored. I've had this chronic pain/nausea for a little over a year now and I'm going stir crazy. I've designed jewelry, scrapbooking, reading, writting, TV, movies.... I've nearly seen everything Netflix has to offer.
I can't walk or stand longer then 10-15mins at a time, on a decent day I can push myself to go further but usually regret it by the end of the day. And my chronic condition has literally broke my bank, just can't afford a new hobbie.
Just curious what you do to keep busy… read more
what do i do house work very very slowly i read and i knit for a group call nhap its called needles hookies angels and premies which i do a lot of prem babies clothes dreading tomorrow as i need to… read more
Do You Have Sleep Issues?
If you have sleep issues and need some advice, I have been through 5 years of sleep issues and have a whole bunch of knowledge and advice when it comes to sleep. I know this isn't really a question, but if you don't know where to go next to help with your sleep issue I may be able to help out and give some recommendations.
yes please...i can fall asleep ok ....its staying asleep.the night terrors somtimes goes on for up to 5 weeks 4-5 a night they tried medicine but it made it worse.i still had the night terrors i just… read more