How To Respond
How do I respond, if at all, to this message? This comes from someone I love. I do not want to hurt them, but they just don't seem to understand.
I would respond to this person that their response is an oversimplification, and may work for some forms of illnesses. But, when it comes to all of our illness (because I know there are those of us… read more
Are You Getting The Flu Shot This Year?
Some versions of the Flu Shots are better than others. I have heard there is a Senior Flu Shot and will discuss with my GP. His opinion will be pro shot, What is yours and why?
It sucks iv flu at home just paracetamol I’ve to ride this out I’ve never felt so sick x
Does Anyone Here Have A Spinal Fusion, Specifically Lower Back (L5S1)? What/how Much Are You Able To Do Physically?
I know what the dr tells me to do, and honestly, a lot of that ends up hurting me. But some stuff I’m not supposed to do is super easy for me. I want to do more and I want to do as much as possible. But I don’t want/need my activity to make me miserable for the following days. I want to get back to weight lifting. I want to get back to being able to stand/walk for longer times. Anybody have any advice on how to get there? Like I said before, I know what the drs say, but those are… read more
I had a full-cadge (front and back) low-back spine fusion, all the way down to the SI joint. I initially thought I might find recovery, but it turns out that without the laminectomy I still have… read more
Does Anyone's Pain Make Them Irrationally Irritable And Angry At Everyone?
When my pain has been relentless for awhile I get super annoyed by everyone and usually take it out on my husband. I don't mean to, I'm just so angry. Does this happen to anyone and if so what do you do to manage it?
Yes, @A MyChronicPainTeam Member, I get snappy. Part of it is because I feel like I am victim and that no one who doesn't have this understands. Part of it is from the loss of control of parts of my… read more
What Are Any All Natural Anti Inflammation Out There.what Are Others Using To Try And Beat Steroids
I'm using tumeric curcumin,CoQ10, flaxseed oiland tart cherry try and keep inflammation in my body down. I have to quit smoking asap this will be so hard for me.any suggestions
I quit smoking also afer 30 yrs of smoking. I used nocotine patches and followed the program to the t. One morning i woke up and i knew the program was over but was afraid all day to feel pain or… read more
Referral To Pain Clinic Refused
Hi everyone, this is Craig Pater. As mentioned in a previous post, I have serious issues with pain control. As my pain levels are very severe, I spoke to my GP about that this morning (Australian time). He refused to refer me to a pain control clinic. The "reason" given was the 18 month waiting period, and because pain clinics mainly change pain medication. And allegedly, I hadn't tried alternative strategies or options to control the pain. Obviously one of the treatment options in a pain clinic… read more
Please try all other options before increasing pain med strength as that comes with a whole other list of problems and I found iincreases don’t really help long term.
If There Were A Documentary On Chronic Pain, Would You Watch It?
I have been on fentanyle patches at 100mg for 3 years or more ñow my chronic pain dr has said he want to gradually wean me off them as he said it could be my dependency on them that causing my pain .has anyone heard of this at all .
The consensus is some doctors believed that the use of opioids actually increase your pain overtime I have not found that so I have been on an opiate regime 20 years I have found them to be useful and… read more
This Is For Fun Please Participte
-put down at positive quote
-funny quote/pic/anything to lift the sites spirts
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member I love all 3 of yours, I am still LOL over that last one. It is so true for me.
Is Anyone's Dr Reducing Your Oxycontin/Oxycodone Dosage Due To Medicaid Regulations?
About 6 months ago ( same time Prince overdosed ) on opiates my Dr started decreasing my Oxy dosage according to Medicaid regs. It doesn't matter how much my pain has increased with the med reduction, as a nurse I was always told document the s/s and a pain score and that how you go about that, So why if she's documenting everything is this not enough for me to get the dosage that had worked for years like If it ain't broke don't fix it.
My Internist in Atlanta put me back on Fentanyl patch about six months ago. A reputable Physician WITH DOCUMENTATION CAN prescribe it !! I took myself back off didn't like some side effects FOR ME)… read more