Well This Is A Bad Day. Ever Feel Like Everything Bad Seems To Seek Out Your Depression Days?
So yeah I had aqua therapy yesterday and I am in pain today, we are both depressed and trying to get through it and we just found out Anthony Bourdain committed suicide, due to depression! On top of all this, there are certain people who I am trying to distance myself from, that won't quit texting me in an attempt to pull me back in. I am already in pain, am depressed, they disrespected that and caused me trouble and I find out Anthony died! What's a person to do?!
I think they kind of feed on each other and it kind of goes without saying, but that is maybe just me. I do know the best thing you can do, if possible is not let the depression take you over and it`s… read more
Lumbar Spine Surgery, Should I?
Diagnosed with severe Lumbar spinal stenosis. Orthopedic doc recommended laminectomy and fusion. Decided to go to a neurosurgeon for second opinion. He also recommended laminectomy on three vertebrae and fusion on three vertebrae. I won't kid you, I'm scared. Is the surgery going to work, relieve me of pain? How long is the recovery? He says it could be 6-12 months! Anyone had this experience? I've had two knee replacements and two cancer surgeries in the last 18 years. I hate the thought of… read more
How much levels are you having fused? That is important. Two levels are considered multilevel and that should be enough. I was a fool to trust a surgeon to do a five level lumbar fusion plus my… read more
Treatment For Stenosis Of The Spine
Low back pain gotten much worse even with physical therapy. Doctor ordered an MRI and I was diagnosed with Stenosis of the lumbar spine causing severe pain in legs. Doctor recommended surgery. I am afraid of back surgery. Have heard all kinds of horror stories about pain becoming worse. My cardiologist said surgery is simply opening up the narrowed spine area to free the nerves that are being crushed by the stenosis. Otherwise it gets worse. Is it really that simple? Anyone had this surgery?
I have severe stenosis and it really hurts all the time and I need rods Doctors said but I’m afraid of surgery , but if it were just stenosis surgery I might think about doing that
Has anyone had difficulty in weaning off Cymbalta? My daughter went through hell for over a month with profound depression and fatigue, major mood swings, and extreme anxiety. It is our experience that the MINIMAL pain relief that is supposed to be associated with this antidepressant is not worth the side effects. One CRPS expert doctor (P. Choopra) says getting off Cymbalta is “brutal” and he finds it easier to get his patients off opiates than Cymbalta. I would use this drug only with extreme… read more
Does Anyone Know Of A Book That Helps One Deal With The Emotional Part Of Chronic Pain?
For example, making plans and feeling useful and productive. Self esteem issues.
Pam, thanks so much for the info.
How Do You Feel About Steroid Shots
Have never had them...but Dr wants to start treatment.
Like so many here, I have to agree. I avoid them sticking any needles into my neck, back or anything related as I have never had a good experience with them.. I have a very high threshold to standing… read more
Recovery From Back Surgery
My doctor wants to do a laminectomy on L4-L5 because I have bulging/leaking disc and synovial cyst pressing on my right sciatic nerve. I don't have any family around so I will have to pay someone to help me out after surgery. I am wondering if it will be a long recovery and if I will be able to return to work without pain before 2 weeks (because I'm broke). I also have the same thing on L5-S1 with a cyst on the left side there but he didn't want to fix that yet. Everyone I know who has had back… read more
FEB.2017 1ST BACK SURGERY JUNE I WAS ABLE TO BE ON MY OWN now 2022 it's something going on with my right leg feels like nerves in my upper thigh can hardly walk omg now what?
What Would You Do If This Happened To You..
On December 5th I was to have a makoplasty knee transplant. IAfter surgery, I did faintly remember the doctor telling me that I did not get a makoplasty knee but I would like my new knee. I never woke up and my spouse was told on Thursday sfternoon that I would have to go to a rehab. The hospital made the choice telling me this Rehab was the only place available. I was there one day and it was discovered on day two I was overdosed with a pain medicine that was only to be given to me if I… read more
Lawyer up,get another opinion,I’ve had my right knee replaced 5 times
What Do You Do When The Pain Is So Bad That You Are Screaming Into The Pillow "please Make It Stop!"
I lost my primary care physician a year ago when he retired and left me with no doctor. FYI: In my state that is against the law! Now because of the whole "opioid epidemic" no doctor in my town will touch me! I can't even find any of these 1000's of pain meds that are sold on every street corner! Believe me, that is BS! So for a year I have suffered, alone. It has gotten so bad, I can't walk across the room without using a cane
And there are days like today when all I can do is scream… read more
Has Anyone Tried The Nevro HF10 Spinal Cord Stimulator? What Results Did You Have?
I have been approved for the trial period.It should happen within the next 30 days.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member I have the medrodonic stimulator in and I haven't gotten relief and have had it i. For over a year going again for the 3rd time to have my stimulator recalibrated ugh… read more