Besides Chronic Pain, Anyone Had Gallbladder Surgery?
It's been a year, I get pain in stomach, nausea. For that reason I have visited ER few times. Recent CT Scan, and ultrasound shows gallbladder sludge. I was referred to surgeon. Today I saw surgeon who scheduled surgery on August 30th. I know I was having pain, but it seems so quick to have a surgery
1. Did anyone has gallbladder surgery
2. How did you experience pain aside from chronic pain?
3. Was the pain tolerable or no?
4. How was the recovery?
5. What were the after gallbladder… read more
My Doctor Started Me On Duloxetine. If Anyone Else Has Experience With This... How Long Is It Supposed To Take Before It Helps?
They have no idea if I have fibromyalgia or not. But they're just trying this to see. I'm just wondering, when am I supposed to feel better if this med is supposed to help? What's been anyone elses experience? It's basically cymbalta. I only see results for energy, appetite, mood, etc but not pain on a Google search. They did not want me to come back in X amount of time for a follow-up or anything and I'm super self-conscious I'm annoying them because I send them a ton of messages already… read more
I was on that and neurontin together and they did nothing for me. Lyrica made my pain and mood worse.
Help With Reducing Medications
Hi everyone. Hope your all well? I have been on Endone, Targin, paracetamol, Antidepressant, Aspirin, Anti nausea pills, gut pilss to correct damage from the pills. Plus Valium when needed for spasms. I take natural supplements as well. I take Melatonin and a Sleeping tablet. Still don't sleep easy
I have given up Lyrica myself
I head tried patches and had increased doses.
I've had Ketamine as well in hospital.
My husband wants me to get off the medications. I am happy to try. I'm very… read more
Swimming helps me if you can find a therapy pool. Water too cold may cause spasms. I use Outback roll on, helps a tad, but I am so sorry you are having trouble getting the correct pain relief you… read more
Are There Any People On Here, That Know If The Laws Are Being Worked On To Fix This "Make The People Suffer"
What I want to know is anyone Senators, any one in the Government, that can change these not thought through so well solutions to the abuse and miss use of pain meds, my quality of life sucks now that they are cutting me down little bye little, I now wake up screaming at night I am in so much pain. I would like to see a accurate chart that has the amount of suicides and drug over doses, see when they passed this, if some one ODed from heroin and was taking opioids , they would add them in with… read more
Us pain foundation is ok but what we All need to do is call our state representative. I did and I was heard. The opiod crisis has nothing to do with long term pain patients with a long history of safe… read more
Do You Come To The " Don ' T Punish Pain Rally " On Januari 29 ?
It in Buffalo Ney York You can also give a written tribute on the facebook site DPP ( don t punish pain) tell your story so the goverment knows
Have to admit, it just didn't happen for me. Being kept awake so much, I nod off without warning several times a day.
I Have A Question For Today. How Many People Has Brain Fog And Neuropathy, Has Any Of Your Doctors Check Your B12 LEVEL ?
Yes. Completely normal. Next test please;)
Has Anyone Tried Poppy Seed Tea?
I have daily pain and debilitating flares weekly from cervical facet syndrome. I have a regimen of magnesium, calcium, tumeric, heat and stretching but still require pain meds. I continue to look for alternatives to pills and have tried marijuana and kratom with mixed results.
You State you tried Marijuana, with mixed results, was it smoking, vaping or some other form? I like the THC powder available to me. I don’t get high, but it eases my pain to a manageable state in… read more
Has Anyone Ever Been Put On Levorphanol For Cronic Pain?
I was put on levorphanol for pain and wonder if anyone else has had as much relief as I have? I have been on it about 6 months now and I am pleased with the relief I have found with it! I have severe pain from nerve damage. I cant stand anything touching my foot, its awful. My right side was completely damaged from a stroke. This medicine was used in the 1950s. And the company closed, Many years later someone else bought the rights to it. All I know is it has helped! I still find days hard but… read more
Can We Open A Discussion For Those Of Us Who Have Stopped Responding To Pain Meds, I.e. Intractable Pain?
Good Luck
I Just Created A Petition Regarding The Opioid Epidemic. Please Sign
The petition is on Under petitions, tpye in search bar The "Opioid Epidemic" sign and share with your team. I have posted this and don't understand why I'm not receiving signatures. If anyone has a problem finding it, please let me know. It's very simple
Susan Floyd. My now current situation