Do You Stay Save Or Do You Take Risks In Our Condition
Being safe and know your bounderise is very comfortable after a while of surching what you can and can not do. but somethings it is a small world
Do you take risk so you something become in places you don t fit and it becomes a fiasco with crying leaving the activity and also doing activiys you enjoy and make beautiful memory's
ah hah, right on @A MyChronicPainTeam Member
Where Do You Turn When There Is No Where Else To Turn.
I’m suffering and it seems like chronic pain sufferers are being ignored and shamed into retreating and giving up.
I feel frustrated. The drs have no mercy for our pain. I wish my pain on them. Maybe cruel but they've been cruel to me.
Steroid Shot In The Back
I have spinal stenosis and my pain doctor wants to give me a steroid shot to see if that helps with the pain. I've heard to many horror stories and I'm just not too sure about having a needle stuck in my back. Thoughts?
Dear Judylee, I was never given anything to put me out even partially. They want you alert. Lidocaine sight only
Was given in a surgical room. X-ray machine used to see where injection placed. Easy… read more
How Do L Get To Sleep With Back Pain
I have fractures to lumbar spine 1&4, a bad crush fracture to the Thoracic 10 and 11, a wedge fracture in my shoulder blade area and Scoliosis plus Osteoporosis and Osteo Arthritis so l give in around 9pm and go to bed, but it takes ages to relax and get comfortable
The psychological dept at the Persistent Pain Clinic at the Nambour Hospital suggested staying up later to around 10pm or later. I doze until around 2am when l go to the toilet and then I take 2 Panadol Osteo and sleep deeper until… read more
My go to sleep aid is a drug PROMETHAZINE, it's an antihistamine with fantastic sleep properties too, they stop my hayfever and I sleep like a log, my go to antidepressant is ESCITALOPRAM/CIPRALEX… read more
Has Anyone Tried Chiropractic? Has It Helped Reduce Any Of The Pain?
I just found out my straight medicaid will pay for 18 visits with no co pay then medicare picks up for ten dollar co-pay. I cannot start until next month because no-funds for transportation but willing to give it a try. Even if it takes only a 1 down on the pain scale i'm ranging from an 8 to 9 lately. So very willing to get that scale lowered.
Didn't help me at all! Even on one of those machines that stretch out ur spine. Didn't work for me.
I have been taking hydrocodone for years, it's the only thing that has made me a productive working women. Now I'm being weaned off now my Dr wants to give me nsaids. I told him I've tried it all.
Hobbies? What Are Yours?
What hobbies do you do to help you relax when in pain? I have found my love of knitting again & have knitted so many baby bits I am so proud of myself.
I quilt, crochet, watch basketball, football (i record games). I make clothes for pets too. Most of the time my tmj pain will push me into a very horrible migraines then i have to give myself an… read more
Ketamine For Pain
Has anyone tried ketamine? The new pain specialist I see gave me information on the use of ketamine for pain. He said its about a year commitment. you go weekly and they give it to you intravenously for 45 minutes, you go once a week, one to 4 times a month for up to a year depending on how you respond to the treatments. Supposedly it re-programs your pain pathways back to where they were before there was pain. I have heard so many things about it...any one here tried it?
I had 1 hour Ketamine Infusions about 2 years ago. I had a Total of 4, 1 hr Infusions. The thoughts are, it is tremendous for PTSD and Depression. I can say, Yes it helped me tremendously. For… read more
Anyone Have A Family And/or Friends Who Understand Why You Continue To Cancel Plans/why You Have To Leave Early/why You Are Not Smiling ?
After about say 20 years of the same answers to family and friends, sorry i cannot stay up that late. or my pain hurts too much for me to stay here, I can't sit on hard surfaces or any other reasons we have. The Friends tend to dwindle away, and the Family say they understand but you can see it on their faces oh no again with "pain" I put it to you that if anyone who is not going through this 24/7 365 then they do NOT understand at all. You can reference the time they were in the… read more
I completely understand. I have suffered for tentyyears gradually getting worse. It cost me my first marriage because sure he just could not cope with me and I thought it fairer to him to let him go… read more
Does Anyone Use Meditation To Help Relieve Their Pain ? And If So Has Anyone Met One Of Their Guides ?
Not sure how much more detail I can be If you meditate on a regular basis you know what i am speaking of (even if it were a short meet)
Studies show it helps. I lay down and calm my mind, taking very deep breaths and exhaling more than inhaling. Stale air is in the lungs and sometimes clearing our breath and getting good air to our… read more